Like with any sporting gear or equipment, choosing the right baseball glove for your needs is essential to succeeding on the diamond. For children, there are a few factors to take into account but often times they are not locked into a specific position yet so you can be a little more flexible with the type of glove to get them. For adults, it pays to be more particular about glove selection since position, durability, and material all play factors into how a certain glove feels and performs. Baseball gloves can be extremely personal and are a visual symbol of a player’s style and ability. From Little League to the Major Leagues, every player takes time to find the glove that suits them the best for their needs and allows them to perform at the top of their game.
When children are just starting out in the game, it is important to find a durable glove that fits comfortably and is the correct hand. These may sound like rudimentary things to consider, but it’s quite common to see children running around with gloves that are much too large for their hands, with parents hoping that they will grow into them. Not only do these oversized gloves make it difficult for children to catch a ball, but it also hinders the development of their overall catching skills.
Oversized gloves can also be heavier for their developing anatomy, causing unnecessary strain to their wrists and hands. As parents you should aim to purchase a glove that the child can squeeze closed fairly easily allowing them the least amount of resistance when catching a ball. As with most other apparel or clothing, children will continue to outgrow gloves as they progress from season to season so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that they outgrow multiple gloves during their childhood.
Adults have a little more personalized customization that they can look for when choosing a glove (see Vinci’s Custom Glove Builder option for more details). Positional variance is one thing to look at when deciding on a glove. The webbing is a key feature of every glove that players often have a preference for. For example if you are a pitcher you may opt for a basket web or a two-piece web so that the ball is concealed from the batter and it is easier to disguise the grip you have on the ball. If you are an infielder taking hard balls through the dirt you may prefer the H-Web or I-Web that allows dirt and other debris to fall through the holes, ensuring a clean ball that won’t slip out of your hand when throwing. Outfielders may prefer a 6 finger web with a deeper pocket to soften the blow from high pop flys. First basemen and catchers have their own specific type of gloves as well, given the velocity that the ball is often travelling when it reaches their gloves.
For children and adults, it is vital to find a glove that fits your hand properly and feels secure, otherwise it could affect your performance on the field. Your glove should be durable and it should be able to be squeezed close without much resistance, when new. The style and color is up to your own personal preference, but keep in mind the different types of gloves for each position.
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